The IFOR (Intelligent Flying Object for Reconnaisance) Team of BITS Pilani Dubai Campus is a student based organisation in which students from different departments come together to design and build autonomous and aerial robotic systems. The Team, founded in 2010 focused its efforts on creating an entry for 2011 AUVSI IARC and the years following thereafter. By competing in IARC, Team IFOR found a unique way for its members to expand their knowledge beyond classrooms, to push the limits of their abilities and demonstrate their success on a global stage.

The main focus of the team is on unmanned rotor craft systems and unconventional aircraft, and to explore the potentials of the next generation intelligent UAVs in various applications. Extensive research efforts are dedicated to cope with challenges, in which a board range of disciplines are involved, including control systems, aerodynamics, navigation, image processing, hybrid systems and artificial intelligence.

Positions held

  • Team Lead (2017-18)
  • Technical Lead (2016-17)
  • Hardware and Subsystems Lead (2015-16)

Projects and Competitions

To be updated ...